에코모바일 알뜰폰 개통기 / A Korean MVNO (Eco-Mobile)

한국의 알뜰폰에 관심있으신 분들만 봐주세요.
This post is for those who are interested in MVNO (Mobile virtual network operator) services in Korea.

오랜 외국 생활을 접고 한국으로 귀국전에 SKT나 KT보다 저렴한 요금제를 찾고 있었는데요.
Even before coming back to my dear home Korea, I studied couple of Korean mobile operators such as the SKT and KT. As they charged more than what it should be, I decided to choose one of the MVNOs.

에버그린 모바일은 복잡한 본인 인증방식으로 인터넷상에선 가입을 원천봉쇄해 놓았더라고요.
Some MVNO operators have provided stable services in reputation for years (e.g., http://egmobile.co.kr). That sounds good. But, most of them require my cellphone number to authenticate my ID for application, which does not make any sense to me. No cellphone means no new cellphone??

그렇게 한참 팩스랑 아이핀이랑 씨름하다가 찾은게 에코 모바일 입니다. 여긴 신청서를 작성하고 스캔 뜬 다음에 신분증 사본이랑 이메일을 보내면 바로 개통시켜 줍니다.
After many weeks of struggling with the horrible faxing/i-pin/ActiveX/ID authentication/etc, I was luck to find this operator, http://eco-mobile.co.kr, that allowed me to simply scan and email the application form and my driver's license as an valid ID. I completed the process while I was out of Korea. The new SIM card was delivered at my home even before my arrival. What you get are as below:

뭐 별거 없습니다. 심카드 택배는 이렇게 작은 봉투안에 와요.
A very slim envelop with a brochure and the SIM card.

심카드는 요렇게 생겼습니다. 참 촌스러운 파란색이라고 생각합니다. 뭐 잘터지기만 하면 되죠.
The SIM with its unique (unappealing) colour different from those of the KT or SKT.

제 사랑스런 갤럭시 넥서스에 넣어 봤네요.
This is how it works. Just insert it into your smartphone and reboot your phone.

알뜰폰 회사들은 도매로 회선을 사서 소매로 개인에게 재판매하기 때문에 가격이 싸다죠. 이 회사는 SKT 회선을 쓰기 때문에 KT를 쓸 때 보다도 3G가 더 잘 터지는 것을 확인했습니다.
This wireless communications service buys massive network connections and resells them in retails through the SKT. As the major mobile operator has long been in positive reputation except its higher charges, the call quality and coverage are said to be as good as the SKT's. Around where I live, I am experiencing that its 3G coverage is wider and more steady than that of my previous SIM from the KT.

그리고 가장 중요한 가격! 지금 프로모션 기간으로 한달 기본료는 0원 이고요. 저는 100메가 데이터만 추가했기에 이론상 3300원이 나옵니다... 그런데 통화를 넉 놓고 하다 보면 요금이 확 올라갈 것 같은 불안한 생각도 듭니다.
Lastly, but most importantly, my bill starts with 3300 KRW for 100M 3G data with zero installation fee and zero monthly payment!


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