
Remotely access your iMac / 아이맥 원격 접속 방법

One can think of many reasons why to remotely access a home iMac at work, on a train, or in a resort hotel. You can open old storages archived in your iMac. Or, your portable MacBook becomes powerful enough to run heavy processes such as statistics or many years of enormous file databases. Or, you can even use a Window PC for running MacOS. 직장, 기차, 리조트 등에서 집의 아이맥을 원격조정할 수 있다면 좋은 점이 많습니다. 맥에 보관된 오래된 파일을 열 수 있고요. 오래된 맥북에서 무거운 통계를 돌리거나 수년간의 파일 데이터베이스를 접속할 수도 있죠. 혹은 윈도우 PC로도 맥OS 접속해 사용할 수 있습니다. In fact, it is safer and more economic to manage terabytes of documents and audio/video files in your home iMac with remote access from a portable MacBook that is mostly equipped with slower CPUs and smaller SSDs. 느리고 적은 저장공간을 갖는 맥북으로 원격접속을 해서 테라바이트급 문서와 음성, 영상 자료를 관리하는 것이 더 안전하고 구축비용도 절약됩니다. My Mid-2012 MacBook Air has so much smaller SSD 128G so that I always have to access my home iMac that manages the 20-year-old file database for my research works. Below is how to set up the access wit...

에코모바일 알뜰폰 개통기 / A Korean MVNO (Eco-Mobile)

한국의 알뜰폰에 관심있으신 분들만 봐주세요. This post is for those who are interested in MVNO (Mobile virtual network operator) services in Korea. 오랜 외국 생활을 접고 한국으로 귀국전에 SKT나 KT보다 저렴한 요금제를 찾고 있었는데요. Even before coming back to my dear home Korea, I studied couple of Korean mobile operators such as the SKT and KT. As they charged more than what it should be, I decided to choose one of the MVNOs. 에버그린 모바일은 복잡한 본인 인증방식으로 인터넷상에선 가입을 원천봉쇄해 놓았더라고요. Some MVNO operators have provided stable services in reputation for years (e.g., That sounds good. But, most of them require my cellphone number to authenticate my ID for application, which does not make any sense to me. No cellphone means no new cellphone?? 그렇게 한참 팩스랑 아이핀이랑 씨름하다가 찾은게 에코 모바일 입니다. 여긴 신청서를 작성하고 스캔 뜬 다음에 신분증 사본이랑 이메일을 보내면 바로 개통시켜 줍니다. After many weeks of struggling with the horrible faxing/i-pin/ActiveX/ID authentication/etc, I was luck to find this operator,, that allowed me to simpl...

Applying for a residence permit (ikamet) in Turkey

Note 1. Double-check the required documents listed below including the photocopies . Note 2. Plan well if you wish to use your passport to  temporarily leave Turkey. You must deposit it for 10 days. The procedure is what you do after your arrival in Turkey. It is not explaining the entry visa that you need to obtain in your home country before your departure to Turkey. As I had experienced in other countries, Japan, Finland, and Estonia, I had to register myself in a local office within 30 days from my entry. In Turkey, the office in charge was the police department that is the largest one in Izmir. Location: İzmir Emniyet Müdürlüğü (Izmir Police Department), Vilayet Blokları F Blok - Konak--İZMİR, Tel: 0 232 489 05 00 As always, it's not fun to wait in a queue for a long time. My longest wait was 6 hours when I was renewing my work visa in Finland. Moreover, you can never prepare it enough, when you visit a government office. Call ...