
Applying for a residence permit (ikamet) in Turkey

Note 1. Double-check the required documents listed below including the photocopies . Note 2. Plan well if you wish to use your passport to  temporarily leave Turkey. You must deposit it for 10 days. The procedure is what you do after your arrival in Turkey. It is not explaining the entry visa that you need to obtain in your home country before your departure to Turkey. As I had experienced in other countries, Japan, Finland, and Estonia, I had to register myself in a local office within 30 days from my entry. In Turkey, the office in charge was the police department that is the largest one in Izmir. Location: İzmir Emniyet Müdürlüğü (Izmir Police Department), Vilayet Blokları F Blok - Konak--İZMİR, Tel: 0 232 489 05 00 As always, it's not fun to wait in a queue for a long time. My longest wait was 6 hours when I was renewing my work visa in Finland. Moreover, you can never prepare it enough, when you visit a government office. Call ...